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地址: Euro Yes Ltd香港九龍永康街51-53號時穎中心12樓02室。電話:36282504
1. 感謝閣下使本網站!
2. 閣下收到貨物如果有損壞或者品質問題請於48小時內以電郵或電話通知本公司安排換貨。
3. 電郵至info@euro-yes.com.hk 同時請注明:銷售單號、產品名稱、退換原因,並請提供聯絡資料,以便盡快跟進處理。
4. 電話Tel: (852) 3628 2504
1. 已售貨品若涉及人為損壞恕不退換(本公司有權鑑定情況而決定是否退換)。
2. 退回貨品時必須連同完整之原包裝產品退回。
3. 產品已經開封或曾使用、內包裝沒有破損、免費贈品或試用裝禮品均不接受退換。
4. 退貨只可更換相同產品,如遇到缺貨,可以更換同等價值貨品,不設退款。
5. 貨品有效期以郵寄日起計至到期日, 保用3個月。
6. 如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決議權不得議異。
7. 本公司保留一切更改退換貨品條款的權利,恕不另行通知。
Buy Over $300 Free shipping (Only HK area)
• Includes SF stores
• Includes EF Lockers
• Includes Industrial Building & Living Apartment
⚠️Be careful⚠️ We only accept SF express as our delivery company. Please take photo If there is any quality problem. After our confirmation for stock return, please visit our Lai Chi Kok office.
Address: Euro Yes Ltd / Rm02, 12/F, Fashion Centre, 51-53Wing Hong Street, Lai Chi Kok
Tel: 36282504
Return Policy Terms
1. Thank you for your online shopping!
2. If you find the goods which is damaged or quality problems, please contact us within 24 hours by email or telephone.
3. Email to info@euro-yes.com.hk & write including: sales order number, product name, reason for returning, and please provide contact information for follow-up treatment as soon as possible.
4. Tel: (852) 3628 2505
Please note:
1. Goods will not be returned if find any man-made damage. (Euro Yes Ltd has the right to decide & identify whether the good is returnable or not)
2. It must be accompanied by a complete original packaging when returning
3. The product has been opened or used, the inner packaging is not damaged, free gifts or gift, will not accept any returned.
4. Return only allow for replacement of the same product. If out of stock, you can replace the goods of equal value, no any refundable service.
5. The product will be at least THREE months from mail date to the overdue date.
6. In case of any dispute, the company reserves the right to propose resolutions without any vary.
7. The Company reserves the right to change the terms of returnable item, without additional notice.