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购物满 HKD 350.00 即享免运费优惠!(适用于 特定的送货方式 )


顾客凡购物满HKD 350.00即享运费减免优惠(适用于 特定的送货方式 )。金额会于结帐时自动扣除,有效期至 30/06/2025。


顺丰速运 - 購買滿$350免運費!

凡購買 Biorepair 口腔產品滿$400 即送 Biorepair 慕絲漱口水一支


所有顾客凡购物满HKD 400.00,即享免费礼品。 免费礼品先到先得,送完即止。将在结帐时显示, 有效期至 2025-01-31。

孖支裝 Biorepair® Sensitivity Control 抗敏修護牙膏

HKD 168.00HKD 135.00



Biorepair® Sensitivity Control是一款快速改善敏感性牙齒的牙膏,採用國際專利活性成份配方microRepair®修復琺瑯質損傷,阻擋細菌通過並阻斷牙神經的外部受到刺激 (如過熱或過冷的食物接觸、假牙或植牙所引起的不適感),進而改善牙齦出血紅腫等問題,降低牙周病發生率。每天使用可明顯感受到敏感性牙齒的改善,將牙膏擠在手指上以30秒持續性輕輕按摩,使用後再將手沖洗乾淨即可。 功效: · 真正修補琺瑯質 · 抗敏效果100%見效,防止琺瑯質被侵蝕 · 適用於牙齒敏感嚴重者使用 · 幫助減少牙菌斑滋生,防止牙齒變黃及蛀牙 microReoair® (納米微粒)成份利用再礦化過程,滲透到牙齒表面的裂縫中,填補縫隙、進而防止酸蝕、降低牙齒敏感機率及牙周病、牙結石等問題。牙齒表面琺瑯質有很多眼睛看不見的小孔、縫隙,是引起牙齒疾病的主要原因。microRepair® (鋅 羥基磷灰石)是利用高科技納米配方所製成,由於牙齒的主要成分為磷和鈣,意大利波隆納大學環境生化研究所LEBSC研究出與牙齒成分相同的微小份子microRepair®,可滲透致牙齒表面細縫中,進行填補琺瑯質動作,修復琺瑯質的損傷。貝利達牙膏擁有創新技術,因為它適用於仿生學原理: 恢復損壞的琺瑯質表面,提供有效再礦化作用,防止牙齒受到進一步傷害。 產品規格:75ml/支 主要成分:microRepair®17% (琺瑯質奈米微粒) PEG-32 (亮白成份) 鋅PCA(抗菌護齒粒子) 保存期限:5年 (錫箔紙拆封後請於1年內使用完畢) 保存方式:請存放於室內,避免陽光直射。 注意事項:配合正確刷牙習慣。口腔如有不適或過敏現象請諮詢醫師。 產地:意大利 Biorepair® Sensitivity Control toothpaste is a specific remedy of sensitive teeth, international patented active ingredient, microRepair®, which repair damaged enamel, blocking the bacteria by entering the nerve of the tooth and so causing external stimulation (such as hot or cold food, dentures or discomfort caused by implant), thereby improving bleeding gums swelling, reducing the incidence of periodontal disease. Daily use can significantly improve the sensitivity of the teeth. Suggested treatment to patient: By squeezing toothpaste on your finger and gently massage our gums with 30 seconds. By remineralization process, microReoair® (nanoparticles) component penetrate into cracks in the tooth surface, fill the gap, thereby preventing tooth erosion, reducing the chances of tooth sensitivity and gum disease, tartar and other diseases. There are many invisible holes, slits in our tooth surface, this is the main cause of the dental diseases. MicroRepair® (zinc hydroxyapatite) is made by using high-tech nano-formulations. Since the main components of teeth are phosphorus and calcium, the Biochemical Institute of the Italian University of Bologna LEBSC developed tiny elements microRepair® with the same component of tooth which can slit in the surface of the teeth done by penetration, filling enamel operation, and so repairing the damaged enamel. Biorepair® toothpaste with innovative technology as it applies to bionics: recover the damaged enamel surface by re-mineralization to effectively prevent our tooth from further damage. Specifications: 75ml / branch Main components: microRepair® 17% (enamel nanoparticles), PEG-32 (white ingredients) Shelf life: 5 years (please use within 1 year after unpacking) Storage: Keep indoor & keep from direct sunlight Note: Please use with proper brushing habits. If oral discomfort or allergies, please consult your physician. Origin: Italy




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